
Today, I did a thing…

I’ve always been hesitant to tell people that I’m a Christian. Actually, no. If someone asks my faith, I’ll proudly proclaim that I’m Christian. But how often does that actually happen? People should know that I’m Christian by the way I speak and the way I act. They don’t.

I’m reluctant of tell the cashier at Target that I’m praying her day gets better. I’m reluctant to tell my close friends that I’m more serious about my relationship with God than I’ve ever been.

With strangers, I worry that they aren’t Christians and will be offended by my comments. With my friends, I worry that they’ll judge me based on my past sins/life, “how can you give your life to God now after everything you’ve done?”

But isn’t that what Christianity is all about? Spreading the gospel? Jesus dying on the cross for all of our sins so that we may have eternal life?

The problem is, I could never understand how a person could be Christian and still sin. It was mind boggling to teenage me. So, I worry that others will judge me the same way I used to judge Christians.

Well, this is something that I’m trying to overcome. So today, I was talking to a coworker (whom I don’t know very well) about different career paths, and I said “I just don’t think that’s what God has planned for me.”

… I surprised myself. It’s such a small thing, but my relationship with God has always been just me and God in a tiny bubble. I’ve always downplayed the seriousness of my faith to my friends and family. So, to even mention God to an… acquaintance feels like a huge stride.

I can feel myself growing in my faith, and I’m so excited.

Stay with me ❤

4 thoughts on “Today, I did a thing…

  1. This is so awesome! I find I also get nervous because part of me wants to share my faith and tell others about Jesus but the other part of me doesn’t want to annoy people. Thank you for this post. ❤

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  2. Even the apostle Paul lamented that he was stuck with his sin nature while still walking on this earth! But praise God that we will someday stand truly perfected before Him in glory. Keep growing and sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

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